You can start hair loss treatment as soon as you notice your hair is thinning or receding. Pattern baldness, bald spots, and illness-triggered alopecia all have early symptoms. Other issues, such as injury or surgery scars and scalp accidents like burns, usually require immediate care and treatment to maintain hair. Here are four signs it’s time to get treatment for thinning, receding, or balding hair:
1. Losing a Significant Amount of Hair
Shedding hair is natural, but if you notice a significant increase in hair loss, schedule an appointment for a professional diagnosis. If you experience excess shedding during washing, brushing, and other activities, you may have a more serious underlying problem. Excessive shedding is usually caused by hormonal imbalances, scalp conditions, and nutritional deficiencies. You can also lose hair temporarily due to emotional or physical stress. Seek professional guidance immediately if the shedding is accompanied by noticeable thinning areas or bald spots. Check the shower or bathtub drain for excess hair accumulation. You can also check your hairbrushes and combs, bedding, furniture, and places where you sit or sleep often.
2. Bald Patches and Receding Hairline
Round or patchy bald spots that gradually spread across your scalp are a sign of alopecia and other hair conditions. Bald spots are easily noticeable and require immediate treatment. Thinning is usually more diffuse and less noticeable. If you notice less hair volume without baldness, a hair restoration specialist can perform a detailed assessment to determine why your hair is thinning. A receding hairline is another sign of male or female pattern baldness. The condition appears as thinning along the forehead or temples in women. In men, the thinning often starts at the temples, gradually spreading backward to create a prominent M shape. Your specialist may recommend platelet-rich plasma treatments or transplant surgeries.
3. Scalp and Hair Changes
Noticeable changes in your hair texture, such as dryness and brittleness, can be a result of hair thinning or loss. Scalp health issues, like dandruff, psoriasis, and fungal infections, are also linked to thinning. Such issues impede hair growth and lead to balding caused by severe damage to follicles. If you don’t experience success with over-the-counter treatments, seek a specialized diagnosis and treatment plan from a hair restoration specialist. The specialist can treat the underlying scalp condition affecting your hair. If the follicles are damaged beyond rejuvenation, your specialist may recommend surgical procedures, such as FUT and FUE, to restore the lost hair.
4. Family History and Unsuccessful Treatment
Genes affect hair growth and loss and can be passed down from parents to their offspring. If you have a family history of baldness or thinning hair, you’re at a higher risk of experiencing similar conditions. Consulting with a hair restoration specialist allows you to monitor changes and get treatment at the right time. Early treatment slows down the progression of the condition. Over-the-counter hair growth products, such as shampoos, conditioners, and topical treatments, can improve some conditions. If you see no success with such products, speak to a specialist for more precise approaches targeting specific underlying issues.
Get Hair Loss Treatment Today
Hair restoration clinics offer many treatments to help you regrow your thinning hair. They also treat scalp issues, perform surgeries, and prescribe medication and hair care products. Speak to a specialist today to learn more about hair loss signs and treatments.
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